Sunday, June 29, 2008

I just wanted to thank all my dear friends for your support and good wishes re my going back to work. I'm feeling great I love my job and I think it's the best thing that could have happened!! I actually wake up in the morning happy and looking forward to what the day will bring I have purpose!! at first I thought omg can I do this again would I be able to meet with the clients as I did before. I think my boss saw this because he sent me to the Hyatt to meet with the property manager for an inspection on Friday I told him I'm not ready he wouldn't have a bar of it and said I did file in hand knees knocking stomach in knots I entered her office introduced myself shaking her hand and then we walked the hotel she was very pleased with the service we are providing and I took her for coffee all up I spent 2hours with her......success yeah!! I felt so proud of myself and when I returned to our office my boss gave me a wink and said well done Cath as he walked past me...apparently she the client is a very difficult one!! so I think I'll be fine. I know I can't please everybody and I will come across a few unhappy one's you get that!! but for now I'm very happy.
I promise I will not bore you talking about my job....if I do just tell me to shut up LOL

Sunday and I'm rearranging and having a big throw out and getting my life back in order starting with my walk in robe Jen...LOL....I'm also going to turn Jodie's room into my scrap room Rob has set up the other computer in there for me. All I need now is another printer.

I'm watching the Wallabies play the French score so far Aus 17 France 6


domestic goddess said...

well done Cath!! You are sounding so bright and as you say - purpose!! Makes a huge difference doesn't it?
We must catch up for that coffee!!


Well done Cath, we knew you could do it. How did the sausage rolls turn out?

Jen said...

OMG Cath not the wardrobe !!1 LOL

Mine is actually back to a Walk in Robe at the moment - not just a stand and look in!!!

So happy you love your new job xxx

Luv Jen xxx