Monday, April 28, 2008


Well so far it's all been cool Thursday I spent with a good friend did a lot of talking and laughing....Friday Nicole and I got up early to attend the dawn service and then she took me to breakfast we had a huge breaky and then went back to her place for some more chatter I do love spending time with her she's gown into a beautiful young woman I'm so proud of her.
Saturday I thought I better spend with Rob we went for a drive to York and had some lunch then home. Sunday Rob went to golf and I went to meet a few old friends for breaky in Guildford and thoroughly enjoyed that.. always do it's nice to catch up with them... I then went to pick up Rob from golf and off to Edgecombs winery for devonshire tea just love there grape jam yum.
So I've been keeping myself busy and doing a lot of thinking and realizing that my life has made a bit of a U turn so I must compensate for it.
I have wonderful friends that are always there for me as I am for them and I have some that are not but that's OK they are just acquaintances and I can cope with that!! there definitely not worth getting myself ruffled over that's for sure.
No more pussy footing around trying to please them. I'm just going to say it like it is and if they don't like it then tuff
I'm enjoying doing my craft and thanks Jen Char and Nicole for your wonderful comments it meant a lot I truly worked hard on that Collections Album and I'm so happy with it.
So far so good!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Collections Album


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sorry everyone for the doom and gloom Post on Sunday night!! Don't Know what got into me.But I did get something out of it!! from now on I will not be manipulated by certain people into doing all for them and getting nothing in return... I will not be taken for granted... I'm just going to say how I feel and if they don't like it tuff.... I had a me-myself day today I scrapped and then took off exploring Ellenbrook with my camera took heaps of photo's and went to that coffee shop in Charlotte's vineyard and sat outside near the water and watched the ducks and two black swans and the coffee was mmmmmm nice...I also took some photo's there.
I think I walked every park around here today and loved every minute of it!!
I'm doing the same tomorrow might go Chittering way this time and check out a few wineries and there's a lovely old house up there that make fabulous devonshire teas also a few craft shops so should be a nice day!!

I have come to the conclusion that I have to take care of me and find myself again the last six months have been dreadful somewhere along the way I have lost myself and now it's time to rediscover Cath and get back on track and make a few changes for the better....I refuse to lay down and die I'm no longer going to be sitting around this house waiting for something or someone to call and this computer will only go on in the evening and that's if I'm home!!...I know Rob has his problems and I'll support him and be there for him but I'm putting myself first if anyone thinks that's selfish tuff....I have a life to live...I'M 50 FUCKING TWO and it's time to go play!!....A friend has asked me to come North for a break she's offered to pay for my ticket... I just may take her up on the offer.

Anyway that's my plan so as from tomorrow the old Cath is back.......Sounds good ah?

Above are a few of the photo's I took today

Kim's challenge on Scrapncrazy

Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Birthday JEN

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Thanks for the phone call tonight Jen your a true friend you know me so well!! I was upset today!!... friends like you are very rare...I know I should not let people get to me but they do...I'm not as tough as I think.
Your phone call made me realize just how important good friends are. I am down Jen as much as I try to stand tall some bastard comes along and knocks my legs from under me and it's pissing me off no end a few years ago I would have just confronted them and sorted it there and then but for some reason I'm avoiding confrontation it scares the hell out of me!! I'm turning into a wimp. I'm writing this here on my blog hoping that by just having a vent it might make me feel better but it's not WORKING...I'm just getting more and more worked up so I'll take a pill and go to bed......
Love ya lots Jen xxxxx

The things I tell you,
I let no one hear.
My deepest desires,
My biggest fears.

The compassion you show,
Just blows me away.
The smile on your face,
With the words that you say.

You lend me a hand,
When I'm down feeling blue.

I want you to know,
That you're dear to my heart.
No matter how close,
Or how far apart.

Life without you,
Would be no life at all.
Together we stand,
Without you I fall.


Thursday, April 17, 2008


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Perth's Hottest Footy Homeboy

Hey everyone Jodie has entered Keith in to 92.9's.....Perth's Hottest Footy Homeboy.
voting starts next week and Jodie will be on air between 11am & 12pm tomorrow 17th
Keith is soooo embarrassed he said to me tonight...Mum do you realise I'm going to cop shit off all my mates....5 minutes later I caught him flexing in the mirror LOL

She entered this Photo

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I've been busy

These are two of my completed challenges on scrapncrazy.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Jen I did it!!


Now all I have to do is the LO......LOL
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Tuesday, April 01, 2008