Thursday, March 27, 2008


Your 21 Today and I just wanted to say...I LOVE YOU

You are a special daughter
who means so much to me.
The day you were born,
there wasn''t a lovelier sight to see.
I am glad God gave you to me.
Your love and devotion
has been my reason,
to get through many tough times,
and through many seasons.
As you have grown up,
your beauty shines through,
with a wonderful smile
that shows the real you.
You have a heart that is
made of gold
and I know it will stay that way,
as you grow old.
You make me proud
that you are who you are.
The bond that we have
will keep us close,
and no matter where you are,
you won''t seem far.
The closeness we have
will never depart,
cause there is so much love
that connects you to my heart.
I am glad my daughter,
that you are mine,
because having you in my life
makes my sun shine.

Binder's For DD's

Friday, March 21, 2008


Well where do I start.....OK last Friday I left for the scrapbox retreat in Augusta
Chelle and Gail came with me in my car. We had a few stops on the way down and I took a slight detour and followed the wrong car...lucky Gail picked it up or we could have ended up in bloody Kalgoorlie and the way back home that's another story.
I drank heaps and Chelle and I stayed up to the early hours drinking and chatting she's top quality is Chelle and a dam good drinking mate. The youngins all went to bed no as far a scrapping you guest it did nothing but did do some work on those binders. Saturday night was dress up in pink and we had a clean sweep our little group Lisa 1st me 2nd and Mistra's friend Karen 3rd. I picked up a nice album. there's lots more I'll tell you guys when I see you next.

I've had a pretty easy week just catching up on some house work nothing exiting to report...Still waiting to hear about the job Rob put in for should find out next week. Oh god I hope he gets it........

well that's about it really thanks for dropping by

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jodie's video clip (click here)

In the words of Jodie!! my clever little chicken.

Here is a video that I made from my DVD 'Pride and Prejudice' (2005 version). On this video's first day (at just 18 hours to be precise) on youtube it has already been watched 41 times, favourited into other users accounts twice and honoured three times. These honours include "96th - Most Discussed (Today) - Music - Australia", "59th - Top Favourites (Today) - Music - Australia", and "80th - Top Rated (Today) - Music - Australia. Not too bad I think.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Retreat 2008 what a blast!!!!!

Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


This was my little Weiro (Roger)he died last night.Poor little thing!!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Last night

Omg see what 3 glasses of wine can do to you....I was full I self pity last night!! I should have scrapped instead

Friday, March 07, 2008


OK I thought I better update so here goes. I have not been feeling myself the last couple of months been very down actually but I've learnt how to put on a brave face... life goes on. If Rob does not get this job!! I'll slit my wrists.. no I won't just kidding!!.
One more week till the retreat I'm really looking forward to it now. There is talk that we may spray our hair wait for it((((pink)))) in support of Lisa... from Scrapncrazy she is going bald in a bit to raise money for leukemia and good on her. If you want to sponsor her just click on her name on this blog.
Anyway it'll be fun to act a bit silly for a change get a tad drunk and generally have a good time... can't wait.

My mum is going off about me again Jodie went to visit her and all she did was bash me......why can't she just except me for who I am?????? I love her and I miss her.
I'm going now I've made myself bloody cry again!!
Well that's my update yes pretty boring...see ya

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bird House

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Fibre-Licous storage binder

Char and I did a class at Scraptivate today and thoroughly enjoyed it!!
The teacher Maxine Hasebrook what a lovely glad I went.