Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My kind of music

I'm just going to post my kind of music....Why because I can.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

This is all new to me so here goes........Well thank heavens the silly season has passed far to much food, drinks and other goodies my diet went out the window. We also got some good news my baby girl is getting married, at first I was a tad disappointed because she is only nineteen but then I thought it doesn't really matter how old you are I married at 26 and it still didn't work out and they have alot more going for them than we did. I think they will be fine they have already fort off a lot of predeceases Nas is Indonesian and muslim and its no fun being a muslim in these times. Pity people can not see him for him not his religion he's a wonderful caring gentle person and I will be very proud to have him as a son in law. Here is some photo's taken over Christmas.....I'm off to bed. Happy new year to you all