Sunday, April 20, 2008


Thanks for the phone call tonight Jen your a true friend you know me so well!! I was upset today!!... friends like you are very rare...I know I should not let people get to me but they do...I'm not as tough as I think.
Your phone call made me realize just how important good friends are. I am down Jen as much as I try to stand tall some bastard comes along and knocks my legs from under me and it's pissing me off no end a few years ago I would have just confronted them and sorted it there and then but for some reason I'm avoiding confrontation it scares the hell out of me!! I'm turning into a wimp. I'm writing this here on my blog hoping that by just having a vent it might make me feel better but it's not WORKING...I'm just getting more and more worked up so I'll take a pill and go to bed......
Love ya lots Jen xxxxx

The things I tell you,
I let no one hear.
My deepest desires,
My biggest fears.

The compassion you show,
Just blows me away.
The smile on your face,
With the words that you say.

You lend me a hand,
When I'm down feeling blue.

I want you to know,
That you're dear to my heart.
No matter how close,
Or how far apart.

Life without you,
Would be no life at all.
Together we stand,
Without you I fall.



domestic goddess said...

Cath sorry to hear that you are not feeling the best and that things are getting you down. Hope you can see the light at the end of the tunnel....

Sharon Manning said...

Cath I suspected you were not too happy yesterday and I even mentioned you had been quiet during the day. I do hope you enjoyed yourself yesterday and you have a show and tell when you finish the project you were working on, it was looking superb.
Chin up and I'm sure in time you will be feeling better.

Jen said...

Ohhh Chicken - your most welcome. I know what you are talking about and hey in the BIG scheme of things "IT DOESNT MATTER " You just worry about you and yours honey pie and every thing else will work out xxx PROMISE XXX

Thankyou for the beautiful poem - you mean so much to me and have helped me out PLENTY in the last few months - (Good news yesterday! LOL)

SOME people are so false and are liers and TRY to take advantange of others - BUT eventually What goes around comes around remember?


Cath said...

Thanks so much Ladies...I was being a bit silly and let it get to me....must be the old meno... lol
I had a wonderful time yesterday and can't wait for the next one.

Anonymous said...

hello it's me again ..... yes cath ring me you know who this is .....i have known you since we were 13 ,,,, ring me !!!

Anonymous said...

Cath... you are so blessed to have a close friend that you can open up to and rely on! There's a lot of us out there who wish we could all be so lucky... I hope you feel more 'you' soon, with a great friend like Jen I'm sure you will get there.

nikki bird said...

ohh mummy the weight of the world on your shoulders i love you dearly, now i know who i get all the worries off lol love you love you love you and remember your son's a perth homeboy lol

Anonymous said...

All the love and hugs in the world to you Cath! I love you heaps! Love Char xoxox