Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Nothing much

Nothing much happening around here it's been very slow and uneventful well since... Friday night late with certain friends.......
Keith's home from Bali so there goes my clean house, wet towels on the floor water everywhere and that's just the bathroom. I don't know where I went wrong with this kid when he was little he was such a neat and tidy little boy and he always kept his room clean, I guess they change a lot when they grow up!!
I'm OK I have something on my mind that's doing my head in a bit at the moment but I'm sure it will sort itself out... it won't get me LOL LOL
Well that's it from me for now...as soon as something eventful happens I'll let you know


Jen said...

Cath cath cath

Give me a call if you want to, I will email you my phone number at home etc

Luv Jen xxx

We have 18 kids on Friday for a five hour crop!!!

Karen said...

I hope whatever was on your mind is at ease now Cath!!

Take care.