Sunday, August 26, 2007


Saturday I went to a 12 hour crop at the scrapshop in Ellenbrook. It was a fun day,Jo and Jen are the very best when it comes to crop days (what a laugh) those two are always good therapy for me LOL.... and it was really nice to see Kim again. I got to bed around 1am as was looking forward to a good night's sleep and then around 3am the phone rings it's Keith mum I can't get a taxi to take me to Ellenbrook they say it's to far there not interested.......and I'm pissed.
My reply (no more than me son) but I'm glad he rang me I have always said don't drink and drive ring me what are mums for!!.......
(I am so annoyed at our taxi services)
Sunday I finally finished the LO's I started at the crop still have to finish the one Jo laid out for me... its hard work sticking it all down.
Well I could rabble on all night but I'm not.