Sunday, March 15, 2009

My long lost friend

This is my long lost friend Jordaan I have been thinking of her heaps over the last few months. I miss her dreadfully we shared so much and because we are both very stubborn we have not talked for the last two years. She has moved to Melbourne.... I can't see us ever rekindling our friendship which is sad....friendship like we had should never be taken for granted.... I love you
Ed xxx
I just felt like I wanted to acknowledge 15Th March is her birthday


Chelle said...

Wellllll Blood well pick up the phone and ring her!!! Forget about what happened in the past. talking from experieince here its not always easy, but YOU will feel better for at east attempting to make peace bewtween the 2 of you.
You have nothing to loose and a whole lot to gain!

from that photo it looks like you both had loads of fun together.