Sunday, January 25, 2009

Life is rolling along... wow I've been back at work for almost 7months!! where has the time gone?
I feel as though work is consuming me very long days and... nights I go to bed thinking of what I have to do the next day.....I would love some of my life back! I need to start saying no...why is it so bloody hard to say no?

Mum had her hip replacement and it going strong. I hope if I'm still here at her age.. I will be as strong as she...

Rob is doing fine I think? I don't see much of him these days,he was driving Prime Minister Rudd and his cronies yesterday. Tomorrow he has off so we might just take off just the two of us maybe a picnic.

Scrap booking is none existent just no motivation at all. I'm taking 2 weeks off at the end of Feb so hope to get my scrap room finished then we will see what happens...

Monday, January 05, 2009

Small Vent

OK for the last 6 weeks I've been feeling very down in the dumps....But as of yesterday I have decided no more more am I going to let certain people get me down it's time to speak my mind and if they don't like it well tuff they can take a running jump. I'm fifty fucking three life is way to short and I'm not prepared to put up with anymore bullshit!!!!!!!!!! Bring it on

I feel better already......LOL

Friday, January 02, 2009

New begining 2009

I welcome 2009 and embrace it!!

Did I learn anything in 2008? Well not a lot. I already know that life can throw the odd curb ball and I've had a few of them....but thats life ah?... I suppose when you reach my age you've learnt how to except them... well I think that says it all about 2008. I have know great goals to achieve nor do I want them... and I'm not even going to attempt the New Year resolution's thing because I'm not particularly very good at that sort of thing!! I am thinking I would love to go to the U.S at the end of the year to see Sheryl... and not forgetting my little Mighty Mouse (Nicole) will most likely be getting married. So.... so far it's off to a good start. Oh and of course to actually start and finish my scrap room so then I might start scrapping again...fingers crossed

To my friends I wish you all the very best for 2009 and thank you all for your friendship xxxxx

If we try our best to be simple and pure,There's nothing our hopes and dreams cannot cure.
ROLL ON 2009